By Rev. Elijah Mwangi.

God’s divine agenda is to restore man to a relationship with him, because man was separated from God by sin.

As a result of this separation, man is always desperate for God and his Kingdom.

In John 3, Jesus encounters Nicodemus, who was desperate to see God’s kingdom.

Nicodemus was not after earthly things to satisfy him but he was after:

  1. Righteousness- having a right relationship with God, he sought to have the blessedness of having his transgressions forgiven. Psalms 32:1
  2. Peace of God- he is looking for a peace that is not of the world (John 14:7), a mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5) and an advocate with the father (1 John 2:1).
  3. Joy in the Holy Spirit. Nicodemus is looking for an assurance that he is in the right path of life (Psalms 16:11).

After Nicodemus’ pursuit of these things, he reckons that righteousness, peace and joy is found only in Christ.

He then seeks Jesus Christ and at the height of this discourse, Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born again of water and spirit.

Being Born Again Means:

  1. Being cleansed from impurities and idols.-Ezekiel 6:25
  2. You have a new heart- Ezekiel 36:26
  3. Having the Spirt of God- Ezekiel 36:27
  4. Following God’s degree.
  5. Being careful to follow God’s law.

After Nicodemus’s and Jesus’s conversation, his heart was changed, became a solider of Christ and defended Christ (John 7: 50-51).

After Christ’s death, Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea did a respectful burial Christ.

When you get born again, you receive a change of heart that makes you an ambassador of Christ

In order for you to see the Kingdom of God, you must born again.

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